The Importance of Back-to-School Check-ups

Posted at 11:04 AM on Jul 14, 2021


As summer flies by it is time to start planning for all of those back-to-school to-dos, such as shopping for supplies and clothing, but most important scheduling your child’s annual check-up. Many parents may be tempted to skip this visit as they see their children as perfectly healthy, but these annual physicals are essential even if your child appears to be fine.

The Importance of Back-to-School Check-ups


Annual visits for your children are important for ensuring that all of their vaccinations are up to date. This is also your opportunity as a parent to ask questions or express any concerns you may have regarding their immunizations. 

Development Assessment

During this time your doctor can assess the development and growth of your child by taking measurements such as their height and weight to establish if they are following a normal growth curve. If anything appears to be abnormal a plan can then be established for helping your child get on track.

Vital Signs

During their visit, vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse, and temperature will be taken. These vital signs can help to detect underlying health conditions early and before they may become a serious issue.

Physical Exam

Your doctor will also physically examine your child, checking their ears, throat, heart, lungs, skin, and eyes to determine if everything looks well or if there are any findings that may be concerning and require additional testing and/or treatment.


For many parents, this is the only visit annually that they will have with their child’s physician and it’s the perfect time to come prepared with questions or concerns.

Schedule Your Child’s Back-to-School Check-up Today

Don’t procrastinate. Schedule their back-to-school check-up early to ensure they are able be seen prior to the start of school. We have made scheduling easy, there is no longer a need to call. You can now schedule your visit online. Travel to our homepage and then click the yellow Book Online button.
