10 Reasons to Get Your Flu Shot

Posted at 1:44 PM on Oct 10, 2023

10 Reasons to Get Your Flu Shot

As the weather begins to cool, we head into “flu season”. Yes, it is very much a real thing. Meaning, our susceptibility to contracting the flu increases at certain times of the year, often as the temperature begins to drop.

What is the flu vaccine?

The flu vaccine is a vital tool in the fight against influenza. It's designed to stimulate your immune system to produce antibodies specific to the influenza virus parts/proteins included in the vaccine (which often changes each year based on the most common virus strains circulating in the community). After vaccination, if you are exposed to the flu virus in the future, your flu antibodies will recognize and attack it, preventing or reducing the severity of the infection.

Learn more about vaccinations including the flu shot by reading, “Vaccination Awareness - Why Immunizations are Important”.

10 Reasons to Get Your Flu Shot
  1. Protect Yourself from the Flu
  2. Reduce the Risk of Flu-Related Hospitalization
  3. Prevent Severe Complications and Symptoms
  4. Protect Vulnerable Populations
  5. Reduce the Spread of the Flu Virus
  6. Prevent Lost Work and School Days
  7. Lower the Risk of Coinfections
  8. Support Healthcare Systems 
  9. Reduce Antibiotic Use
  10. Contribute to Community Immunity (Herd Immunity)

What to Expect After Receiving the Flu Shot

The flu shot is a safe vaccine with little side effects. However, every body does react differently and you may experience some symptoms post-shot, these may include:

  • Soreness or pain at the injection site
  • Redness or swelling at the injection site
  • Low grade fever
  • Mild fatigue
  • Mild headache

These symptoms are short lasting (1-2 days) and will likely go away on their own with time.

Where to Get The Flu Shot

Your primary care doctor is more than happy to give you the flu shot; however, the flu shot can be commonly received at numerous places including CVS, Walgreens, and even Costco, just to name a few. You don’t have to look very far to find somewhere to get your flu shot, so that is no longer an excuse that you couldn’t make it in to see your doctor.

Keeping Yourself Healthy

While the flu shot is important to get every year, it does not guarantee that you will not pick up some other kind of bug that causes you to feel unwell. The good news is that there are many things you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick. These include: 

  • Practicing proper hand washing and washing your hands frequently
  • Using an alcohol based hand sanitizer when hands are not visibly soiled and when running water is not available
  • Using a tissue or your sleeve to cover your cough or sneeze
  • Taking a vitamin D supplement in months where sunshine is limited
  • Eat a balanced and nutritious diet
  • Stay hydrated
  • Exercise regularly
  • Stress less by practicing daily self care like mediation, yoga, etc.
  • Make sleep a priority

If you do begin feeling under the weather and your symptoms persist or begin to worsen be sure to come in for a visit. Your primary care doctor can diagnose you and provide treatment if needed.
