Guide to Healthy Sleep Habits for Children: Tips & Common Issues

Posted at 4:58 PM on Nov 1, 2023

Guide to Healthy Sleep Habits for Children

One of our greatest joys as family physicians is when our adult patients begin bringing their children in to see us. One of the most common questions we get from parents is in regard to their children’s sleep. How to get them to sleep, how to create a routine, how much sleep do they need, etc. All are great questions and incredibly important as a good night's sleep is essential for your child’s growth, development, and overall health.

Establishing healthy sleep habits in young children is vital as it lays the foundation for a lifetime of restful sleep. In this article, we will share insights and guidance on sleep training and creating healthy sleep routines for children.

Understanding the Importance of Healthy Sleep Habits for Children

Sleep is crucial for children's physical and mental development. Quality sleep helps children with:

  • Growth: During deep sleep, the body releases growth hormones, aiding in physical development.
  • Cognitive Function: Sleep is vital for memory consolidation, problem-solving, and concentration.
  • Regulate Emotions: Helping children manage their moods and reduce irritability.
  • Boosts Immunity: A well-rested child has a stronger immune system, making them less susceptible to illnesses.
  • Healthy Weight: Sleep habits can influence appetite regulation and metabolism, contributing to healthy weight management.
  • Children with good sleep routines are often more attentive, have better behavior, and are less likely to experience hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Sleep Training for Infants and Young Children

Establishing healthy sleep habits starts from infancy and can continue into childhood.  Here are some tips for sleep training in infants and young children:

  • Create a sleep routine and stick to it. Set a consistent nap time and bedtime. This helps regulate their circadian rhythm.
  • Create a safe, comfortable, and relaxing sleep environment. Think dark, quiet, and soothing.
  • Develop a calming bedtime routine to signal to your child that it's time to sleep. This may include activities like a warm bath, gentle rocking, reading a bedtime story, or singing a lullaby.
  • Encourage your child to learn how to self-soothe and fall asleep independently. This skill is essential for building good sleep habits.
  • Introduce changes gradually to avoid causing stress to the child. Sleep training should be a gradual process that allows the child to adapt to new routines.

Transitioning to a "Big Kid" Bed

As we excitedly watch our babies grow into children, there comes a time when they need to transition from a crib to a "big kid" bed. This can be a significant change, and maintaining healthy sleep habits during this transition is crucial. Here are some tips:

  • Involve the child in the process. Let them choose bedding or decor for the new bed, creating a sense of ownership.
  • Ensure the new bed is safe and free of hazards. Use bed guards to prevent falls.
  • Maintain the same bedtime routine and schedule, even with the new bed. Consistency helps ease the transition.
  • Allow your child to have comfort items, such as a favorite stuffed animal or blanket, in the new bed.
  • Praise and reward your child for successfully sleeping in their new bed.

Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits in Older Children

As children grow, the importance of sleep remains. Here are some tips for establishing and maintaining healthy sleep habits in older children:

  • Continue to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Children benefit from consistency in sleep routines. Bedtime should be a non-negotiable. Even on the weekends, we should all aim to maintain the same bedtime and wake time.
  • Reduce screen time, especially in the evening. The blue light from electronic devices can interfere with sleep. No devices should be used 1 hour before bedtime. Instead turn this time into relaxation time. For example, allow them to read a book or you read a book to them to help them wind down for sleep.
  • As mentioned above, create a calming bedtime routine that includes activities like reading, listening to soft music, or practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing.
  • Ensure that the child's bedroom is comfortable for sleep. This includes a comfortable mattress, appropriate room temperature, and minimal noise and light.
  • Encourage a healthy diet, and limit caffeine and sugary snacks before bedtime.
  • Regular physical activity can also help our youngsters sleep better. Make sure you are allowing your child to get enough physical activity every day. 

Common Sleep Issues in Children

Nightmares and Night Terrors

Many children experience nightmares or night terrors. It's important to provide comfort and reassurance during these episodes. If the condition persists and is worsening you should consult your doctor as treatment may be needed.


Bedwetting is common in young children especially when potty training. Depending on the child’s age and stage of toilet training this may be completely normal and just part of the potty training journey. Most children will begin to grow out of this between 3-5 years of age. However, if it persists, consult a healthcare provider to rule out underlying issues.

Sleepwalking and Sleep Talking

These behaviors are usually harmless but should be monitored to ensure safety. Specifically if your child is a sleepwalker you will need to take extra precautions such as keeping doors locked to the outdoors, keeping dangerous items out of reach and doing your best to be present and alert when they are sleepwalking.

Sleep Disorders

Some children may experience sleep disorders like sleep apnea or insomnia. If you suspect a sleep disorder, consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and treatment.

Establish Good Sleep Habit Early for a Lifetime of Healthy Sleep

Establishing healthy sleep habits for children is a fundamental part of their overall well-being. Good sleep is essential for physical, cognitive, and emotional development. By prioritizing healthy sleep, we can ensure that our children grow up to be healthy, happy, and well-rested individuals who are ready to face the challenges of the world. If you have concerns about your child's sleep habits or are facing sleep-related issues, don't hesitate to reach out to us for guidance and support.
