Managing Seasonal Allergies

Posted at 10:18 AM on Apr 30, 2023


As the flowers bloom and pollen is in the air you might find yourself with red itchy eyes, a runny nose and sneezing. Spring allergy season has arrived. These seasonal types of allergies can be referred to as hay fever and affect about 19 million adults and 5 million children in the US.

What Causes Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies are caused by being exposed to an allergen and in most cases are caused by pollen. This triggers an allergic response to the allergen. Your immune system responds to the allergen, by releasing histamines and other chemicals into your bloodstream which cause an allergic response.

Common Allergy Symptoms

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Ear congestion

Less Common Allergy Symptoms

  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Headache

Diagnosing Seasonal Allergies

A visit to your primary doctor may reveal that you have seasonal allergies, however, it is a bit difficult to diagnose the exact cause of the allergy. Meaning, there are a wide variety of outdoor elements we are exposed to which produce pollen, and it can be difficult to identify the type of pollen causing the reaction. You can help by noting when you experience symptoms and what types of trees, weeds, grass, etc. you are around.

However, you may be wondering, “is it allergies or something else?” Your doctor can help diagnose the cause of your symptoms.

Allergy Treatment 

Managing Seasonal Allergies

If you know what you are allergic to, do your best to avoid it. However, for most of us we likely do not know the exact pollen we are allergic to. So for the majority of allergy sufferers the best thing we can do is limit our time outdoors when you know your allergies are worse in the year. You can also keep your windows closed and consider wearing a mask outdoors.  Medications can help reduce allergy symptoms, allowing you to enjoy your time outdoors more.

Learn more about how you can naturally treat allergy symptoms.

There are a wide variety of over-the-counter topical steroids and antihistamines available to reduce symptoms and, if diagnosed, your doctor may prescribe or suggest an over-the-counter allergy medication like fluticasone nasal spray or an allergy pill like loratadine. If allergies are severe your doctor may recommend allergy testing and getting allergy shots.

A Visit to Your Physician

Your physician can help you determine the best course of action to manage your allergies. Schedule an appointment today.
