Walk Your Way to Health

Posted at 6:32 PM on Aug 8, 2022

What’s the Doc Say?

Juma-Family.jpgDr. Yazdaan Juma shares ways he and his family stay active through walking.

Walking is not only a great way to get exercise but strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves mood, and helps maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat. I consider walking one of the best exercises you can do. To optimize it, I recommend walking at a brisk pace. 

My family and I love the outdoors and the best way to enjoy that is getting outdoors! What better way to do that than to walk and enjoy the serene scapes around us in MN. We play games with the kids on our walks and get to educate them about wildlife and nature. Or sometimes it's just racing to the next tree! Either way, walking is a great way for my family to connect, get exercise and explore. 

Exercise is an integral part of overall health. In fact, it is recommended that the average adult get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise a week. Sometimes, it’s easier to count steps; a reasonable goal is 10,000 steps per day for most adults. Children and teens (6 through 17 years) need more physical activity than adults. They should get at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity every day. You can learn more about these recommendations here.

The reality is many of us are not getting enough movement. An easy solution is to simply walk more.

Dr. Yazdaan Juma, MD
Northwest Family Clinics
Plymouth, MN

Why Walk Your Way to Health

Low Impact

Walking is a great low-impact activity that almost everyone can do, regardless of age. It can be done at any pace and is generally kinder on the body than activities like running. Walking can help those with arthritis in the knees, hips, or feet as it can help increase range of motion and reduce stiffness. 

No Equipment Required

Walking is free and can be done anywhere. To be healthy, you don’t need to invest in an expensive exercise machine or a gym membership. Just lace up your sneakers and hit the pavement.

Endless Health Benefits

Walking has endless health benefits and few adverse effects on the body. Some health benefits include:

  • Increased cardiovascular fitness
  • Reduce the risk of certain diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, cancers, etc.
  • Boosts your mood
  • Increased energy
  • Improved balance
  • Strengthens bones and joints
  • Weight control

Tips to Walk More

One of the best parts about walking is that it can be a means of transportation. This means you don’t necessarily need to set aside a particular time to get a workout. You can aim to walk more throughout your typical day. Here are some tips that can help you increase your step count every day:

  • Park your car further away – you may be tempted to choose the front row space, but do your body a favor and park at that back of the lot instead.
  • Leave the car at home – when possible, walk instead of driving.
  • Take the stairs over the elevator.
  • Wear a pedometer and have a step goal – many experts suggest 10,000 steps daily, but depending on your current level, you may need to set a lower, more realistic goal.
  • Make it part of your routine – If you choose to set aside a particular time for walking, make it part of your daily routine, meaning it’s non-negotiable.
  • Get others involved – get your friends, family, and coworkers involved. This may mean taking family walks in the evening to the park or getting out of the office to take a walk over lunch with your coworkers. It’s a great way for couples to spend quiet time together.

Unsure How or Where to Begin?

You should consult your doctor if you want to begin a new regimen and have existing health conditions. They can help you set realistic, safe goals when it comes to adding more movement to your life.
