New Year's Resolutions That Anyone Can Keep

Posted at 2:18 PM on Dec 12, 2023

Northwest Family Clinics -  New Year's Resolutions That Anyone Can Keep

As we approach the New Year, many of us are thinking about setting resolutions to improve our health and well-being. While many of us set big goals and resolve to do this much differently in the new year, you may be setting yourself up for failure by going too big too quickly. So, we have put together a guide on some new year's resolutions to consider. Let’s talk about how to make and keep these resolutions, ensuring they lead to real, positive changes in your life.

New Year's Resolutions That Anyone Can Keep

Be Realistic

Set attainable goals. If you want to exercise more, start with a few days a week, not suddenly an hour every day. Small, manageable changes are more sustainable. Here are some small doable goals to consider:

  • Walk for 10 Minutes Daily
  • Drink an Extra Glass of Water Each Day
  • Add One Serving of Vegetables to Your Daily Diet
  • Practice 5 Minutes of Mindfulness or Meditation Daily
  • Go to Bed 15 Minutes Earlier
  • Read for 10 Minutes a Day
  • Write Down One Thing You’re Grateful For Each Day
  • Cut Back on Sugary Drinks
  • Spend 15 Minutes Cleaning or Organizing Daily
  • Limit Screen Time 1-2 Hours Before Bed

Be Specific With Your Goals

Instead of vague resolutions like "I will be healthier," set specific goals like "I will eat three servings of vegetables daily" or "I will walk 30 minutes daily." Good examples of specific goals are those listed above.

Write It Down

Putting your goals on paper can make them more tangible. Keep them visible to remind yourself daily. A great tip is to write your goals down and keep them in a place you see multiple times a day, like your bathroom mirror or refrigerator door or on your desk at work.

Plan for Obstacles

Think about what might derail your plans and how you'll handle these challenges. If you miss a day of exercise, don’t give up; just get back on track the next day. The same goes for diet, when you make a choice that wasn’t the healthiest, plan to make a healthier choice for your next meal.

Track Progress

Keep a journal or use an app to monitor your progress. Celebrate your small victories along the way and continue to set new goals as you achieve specific goals.

Be Patient

Change takes time. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Stick with it and by tracking progress you will notice small victories along the way.

Seek Support

Share your goals with friends and family. Joining a group with similar goals can provide additional motivation. You are more likely to achieve a goal just by writing it down, and telling others about it helps hold you accountable.

Focus on Health, Not Just Appearance

Choose resolutions that promote your overall health and well-being, not just physical appearance. Mental, emotional, and physical health are arguably more important than aesthetics.

Northwest Family Clinics -  New Year's Resolutions That Anyone Can Keep - Goals

Review and Adjust Your Goals

Periodically review your resolutions. If something isn’t working, it’s okay to adjust your goals and set new ones.

Don’t Wait for New Year

Remember, you don’t need to wait for a new year to make positive changes. Any day is a good day to start. Start today!

Happy New Year

New Year’s resolutions can be a great way to kick-start a healthier lifestyle. Remember to set realistic, specific goals and approach them with a positive, patient attitude. As always, if you have specific health concerns or need advice on healthful living, feel free to discuss them with your doctor during your next visit.

Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year!
